Cornell Elementary School

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Coding with FedEx at Cornell

Cornell Elementary is proud to announce that they will again be partnering with FedEx to continue and expand on the coding lessons that take place in 5th and 6th grade.  Last year 5th grade students received instruction from The FedEx IT Department in collaboration with Cornell’s own Mrs. Bardelli.  This year, our 5th grade will again receive coding lessons with Mrs. Bardelli and FedEx during their Tech Ed classes. Each class will take their turn and receive a trimester of relevant and beneficial coding lessons from this awesome collaboration.  According to, Computing occupations are the #1 source of new wages in America. That's 16% of all new wages.  Here at Cornell, we figure if this is the skill that our students will need, it applies rigor and relevance, and kids like it, then let’s give them the opportunity in their education to lead into a career.